Prototype Circular Performance Maturity Model

Gepubliceerd op 25 januari 2023 om 10:38

As part of the Utrecht University of Applied Research Minor "Business Information Management", the students Astrid van den Berg, Jop de Winter en Brent Rietveld, created a first prototype of the Circular Performance Maturity Model (CPMM).

The model was created, using a Design Science Research Approach and presented for the first time at a seminar of the Service Logistics Forum on January 25th, 2023.

The model is now open voor data collection and we invite you to participate. We also welcome feedback to improve the model towards version 2.0.


The seminar presentation, illustrating the underlying design principles of the prototype can be downloaded here.

CPMM version 1.0
PDF – 3,9 MB 332 downloads